Developing Chemistry With Clients
Building Relationships With Clients
The lifestyle of a personal trainer is built off of relationships.
Also, relationships with your clients are the most tangible means of consistent income.
This is important for all personal trainers, because that relationship is something no other person or computer can ever replace. True relationships will last a lifetime.
First Impression Is Everything
I'm sure you have heard of the term first impressions are everything.
When it comes to the start of a new relationship with a client, your first impression is everything!
Make them feel comfortable and let them feel like they're in the hands of a professional. Use great terminology and educate them on things they didn’t know before.
You got that certification or degree for a reason, right?! Impress them! From that day on, you are their trainer and now it is time to build not just there bodies, but their trust.
If it’s a match and the chemistry is there, KEEP IT!
Clients hire a personal trainer for all sorts of reasons. Whether for education, an extra push, or to just have a friend/counselor.
Whatever it is, find out what they truly want and make them happy. Although, never steer away from why they first started.
Exercise is their outlet now, if it started with exercise it should end with exercise.
Build Your Clients Trust
Every relationship is built off of trust. For a person to truly blossom with a personal training program, both should develop some level of trust.
They work with you, because they believe in you and trust you. I have had clients that have been with me for years, because our relationship is built around trust.
One hour of time doesn’t seem like a lot, but when that hour is once or twice a week for a year, that time adds up.
Your clients will spend a lot of time and money with you to help develop their bodies.
Your professional opinion is what they rely on, so give them everything.
A client will not only trust you with their athletic progress, but also their personal lives.
After establishing some really great relationships, clients will really open up to you. They will rely on you for a lot more than just fitness or weight-loss.
People open up to others when they feel truly comfortable. I have always felt like my career as a trainer was part counselor.
I guess my B.A. did come in handy after all, lol.
People will open up to you, and tell you everything about their lives. From relationships, work life, to anxieties and troubles, a professional will take that and work with it.
Be there for your client if they need someone to talk to. I have sat down with a clients, and literally spent the whole session just talking, and that was OK.
Sometimes clients just need to talk, but I make sure that we at least stretch. Not all sessions are about working out, but every session should be about them.
There is an amazing psychology behind exercise, it triggers so many emotions within humans. These triggers are what changes people's lives and and builds the strongest relationships. It takes awhile to find them in every individual, but find them and use them.
It's Called Personal Training For A Reason
Be there for your clients! Go to their sport events, lunch with them, have coffee with them… shoot! Have a drink with them.
You will learn very fast that most of your clients are going to become your best friends.
Building true relationships is more then telling someone what to do for exercise, it's truly being there for someone and getting involved within their lives.
I met Bobby while I was still working in Noe Valley, San Francisco. A Jewish man, from the Upper East Side of New York City. He moved to California with his wife to experience everything the left coast has to offer. An entrepreneur like myself, he's in graphic designer. He's designed some of the top of the line packaging for product you see everyday. He saw me around the gym and came to me while he was in need. He's had a several personal trainers in the past and understood the process. We clicked right away.
I have now worked with Bobby for almost an entire year, training two days a week. We have trained around many different bio-mechanics to produce the best results with what his body can sustain. After training for three months and really gaining stability and coordination we began to train more skills related to athletic fitness. Bobby joined an adult league flag football, so we based all our goals around that. His conditioning was on point and his body movement's became quick and sharp. Later I got involved with his team and occasionally played with him in the adult league. To truly get involved with someone life, this is what it takes to build solid relationships, trust, and friendships.