Who Is The Mayor Of Fitness?

A Mayor is an elected executive with the city council, exercising legislative powers. The Mayor is also known as a public figure within their city and has an abundance of knowledge for local politics.  

As a personal trainer, you also exercise powers within your community and should contain an abundance of knowledge.  

To become a professional personal trainer within your community you must develop traits similar to an actual Mayor.  



Think about who the Mayor works for…..hhhmmmmm

Oooo yeah, the public!

To become the Mayor of Fitness you must start by looking at yourself as a symbol of fitness in the public's eye.

Become a person they can rely on and learn from when in need of advice.

Meet the people within your community, and work with them. Do not be afraid to reach out to strangers.

This goes for people on the internet because the internet is a whole different community on its own. Work with the community and for the community.

My Community Goals

He, Mayor of Fitness, (Mario Riveira) wants to collaborate with Mayor Ed Lee, the Mayor of San Francisco.

I plan to bring the people of San Francisco together and clean up the streets through methods of exercise and counseling.

I'm currently developing an 12 Step based fitness boot-camp class for addicts and alcoholics to use physical fitness as a mean to stay sober and better their lives.

I want to build a community of support for these people whether rich or poor.

With my degree in counseling and background in fitness, I will help my community become stronger, healthier, and bring San Francisco closer together.



The Mayor of Fitness is also a public figure within his or her network, city, or social club.

If you train in a gym, every member in that gym should know who you are and what you do.

No B.S. around it, "I am the trainer here, and I am here to help get you in-shape." You might as well have a sign on your back that says that...…. hhhmmmmmmm.

That actually might be a really good idea, haha! 

Being known as the “Fitness Professional” is imperative to building a personal brand and business.

I personally have picked up sooooooo many clients, because they just know me as the “Fitness Guy”.

To become a real fitness professional and a Mayor of Fitness, you must look at yourself and strive to be an actual public figure within your own communities.



If you are going to walk the walk, you must talk the talk.  

To become a Mayor of Fitness, you MUST have the knowledge of fitness.

Remember, a real Mayor has to know his or her local politics inside and out.  The same thing goes for the Mayor of Fitness, you gotta know your stuff dude.  

Nobody knows every single thing, but you do have to know how the body moves and have the proper credentials.  

Personal trainers should always be researching, developing, and creating new exercise routines.

By immersing themselves in the lifestyle of personal training and fitness, they never turn down an opportunity to learn new forms of exercise.